Tools for Success
Tools for Success is designed specifically for new entrants into the construction industry, with real-world scenarios that help learners understand how to thrive in a professional workplace.
This title addresses critical skills that go beyond learning a specific craft, serving as an excellent career guide with modules focusing on job search, diversity, communication and teamwork.
Craft Snapshot
Curriculum Details
This workbook is designed for employees entering the construction industry and has been reviewed and updated with input from construction and training professionals. The Instructor’s Handbook includes an annotated instructor’s outline, recommended teaching schedules, answers to quizzes, and tips and ideas for enhancing class activities.
Instructor Resources
Instructor Toolbox
NCCER’s Instructor Toolbox provides easy access to important instructional resources for your training program. You’ll find downloadable course planning tools, examples of classroom activities and projects, and instructor tips and best practices to help you enhance your program.