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5 Top Trends in the Construction Industry for 2022

11/18/2021 Blog

The construction industry is coming out of the challenges of 2020 and 2021 into a thriving new decade of industry-wide advancements. These top construction industry trends for 2022 are creating a more advanced, welcoming and environmentally friendly industry.

1. Better PPE for Women 

One construction industry trend that has been on the rise for a few years now is a greater emphasis on inclusivity for women. 2022 will see more popularity in this trend than ever before, with increased safety options for women coming to market. Women in the construction industry tend to struggle with standard-issue personal protective equipment (PPE) because it isn’t sized for them, leaving it dangerously loose. More women have been entering the industry in recent years though, so demand for PPE made for all sizes and body types has never been higher.

This is a great sign for the construction industry because it indicates that more women are choosing to pursue careers as craft professionals. The industry is grappling with an aging workforce and persistent labor shortage, so the rise of Nontraditional Employment for Women and other technical education programs has helped rejuvenate the construction workforce.

2. Increased Use of Automation and Robotics 

Automation and robotics are among the most popular construction industry trends heading into 2022. It’s no wonder either, since automation solves several challenges that the industry is facing. As mentioned above, labor shortages have been a running challenge for several years, but the need for a solution is increasing further due to the industry’s aging workforce.

Automation and robotics are the ideal solutions, as many construction industry professionals have already realized. Greater availability of automation technology is allowing teams all over the world to work safer, more productively and more efficiently, allowing them to get the job done well even with a small team.

3. Increased Use of 3D Printing 

3D printing is finally coming to maturity in the construction industry and will be one of the top construction market trends for 2022. Many exciting applications for 3D printing have been developed over recent years, in response to growing demand worldwide for affordable, efficient construction solutions.

For example, manufactured homes have risen to popularity in the midst of 2021’s turbulent housing market. These have become a great option for people who want to purchase a home with luxury features at a fraction of the price of site-built homes.

The demand for 3D printed construction solutions will see a similar surge in popularity going into 2022 and onward. Whole neighborhoods of 3D printed homes are springing up around the world and engineers have even invented a 3D printer that can print asphalt, opening the door to whole developments created via 3D printing.

4. Widespread Digital Transformation 

Digitization is taking off in the construction industry like never before, working alongside the rising industry trend of automation. Among the key benefits of digitization are significant boosts in efficiency and productivity. Digital transformation improves the quality of life in the workplace industry-wide, from the office to the project site.

There are numerous ways it can be implemented, and digital solutions are highly scalable as well, making it easy for organizations of all sizes to find the best fit for their needs. One popular digital transformation trend in the construction industry is going paperless. This consists of moving payroll and records to digital databases (data entry and record-keeping systems can even be automated) and providing equipment manuals and project info to all team members through accessible digital formats.

5. Greater Focus on Sustainability 

Since 2020 and throughout 2021, public interest in sustainability has risen like never before, driving a construction market trend of higher demand for environmentally friendly projects. This trend encapsulates everything from sustainably sourced materials to buildings that help create carbon-neutral communities.

Rising public interest in fighting climate change is motivating some clients to seek green designations as well as tax credits for helping the environment, in addition to organic sustainability initiatives. Going into 2022, the construction industry will experience an increased emphasis on sustainability from clients and stakeholders.

A New Era for Construction 

The construction industry is in a state of incredible technological growth and transformation. These industry trends for 2022 are bringing construction into the future with more sustainable projects, safer working conditions, and modernized building and design tools.

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